Steel City Boxing Academy, in Lorain, partnered with Freddy’s and seeks to mentor students in Lorain in the sport of boxing. Partners Daniel Barreiro and Jaime Colon said kids will come through the door not knowing a thing about the sport, but will leave learning a new skill, gain confidence and stay on the right path through life. Many of the students who attend might not be able to join other teams, clubs or gyms due to financial or other reasons, according to Barreiro, so Steel City Boxing Academy offers free programs to students ages 8 to 17.
For those interested, Daniel Barreiro and Jaime Colon can be contacted at (440) 309-0204 or on Steel City Boxing Academy’s Facebook page. Lorain students at Steel City Boxing Academy will compete in a tournament hosted at Sacred Heart Chapel, in Lorain, at 7 PM on Saturday, August 25, and others will compete in a tournament at the Ohio State Fair this summer.